Leonardo’s Weather Radar Network in Canada

05 June 2019 18:31

Leonardo’s weather radar systems network for Environment and Climate Change Canada will run from Holyrood (NF) on the East Coast to Vancouver Island (BC) on the West Coast with 20 radars and an additional 13 in options.
A leading-edge technology will help meteorologists in delivering accurate and timely weather forecasts and warnings to give Canadians more time to protect themselves from the effects of severe weather.
Leonardo’s radars use cutting-edge klystron technology to optimize the forecasting of extreme precipitation and severe thunderstorms at long ranges. Its technological superiority is based on a highly sophisticated klystron transmitter, which delivers excellent data quality.

Leonardo’s weather radars give data every 6 minutes, as opposed to every 10 minutes,  and their range to detect rotation and tornadoes is double than the legacy radars.
Leonardo’s cutting-edge technological features are expected to revolutionize weather forecasting in Canada’s tornado alley and eventually across the country once all radar stations get deployed, a project that’s set to finish in 2023.
Thanks to the Dual Polarization technology, more information on the shape and fall mode of different kinds of hydrometeors, improved rain rate estimation, and overall data quality are available. Around 500 state-of-the-art weather radar systems have been supplied to key meteorological service providers in over 80 countries worldwide.

Environment and Climate Change Canada is the department of the Government of Canada with responsibility for coordinating environmental policies and programs as well as preserving and enhancing the natural environment and renewable resources. The Meteorological Service of Canada is a division of Environment and Climate Change Canada which primarily provides public meteorological information and weather forecasts and warnings of severe weather and other environmental hazards.